Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Heath Ledger was the greatest human being of all-time

Let's all just fucking relax, people. I'm sure Heath Ledger is excellent in the role of The Joker in "The Dark Knight," but for fuck's sake, do we really need to talk about him as if he cured AIDS? Truth be told, he probably caused people to contract AIDS after they watched his gay fuckfest, Brokeback Mountain, and went out to the woods for some manly, unprotected fireside camp-cock. But alas, he's rotting in the ground now. And we must all praise him and everything he's ever done. Let's forget how he was dumb enough to combine like 75 different prescription medications. Let's forget that he did this despite the fact that he was a father and was so self-consumed that he neglected to think of his child as he tossed another pill down his throat. Was his death sad? Yes. But honestly, does the fact that he died kind-of  semi-tragically automatically bump him up in the line for sainthood? I say semi-tragic, by the way, because it was mostly his fault and because it's not like he died in 9/11 or Iraq or even in a car accident. I mean, more people die more tragically every fucking day. And that's a problem too because every time someone dies, famous or not, you hear others speak about about what an amazing person they were. I don't believe it. I think when an asshole dies, like say,  Tony Snow, you shouldn't lionize him just because he died. I bet even after Hitler's death some people were saying, "Vell, he vas quite an orator, you know."  At Tony's Snow's funeral they should've said "In life, Tony was a lying asshole. Now, he's a lying-in-state asshole." Or, "Tony died of colon cancer but I think it was asshole cancer. Oh wait, that's the same thing, isn't it? " And then the whole place would erupt with laughter, right? Why don't people hire me as a professional eulogizer? 

Not too controversial. 


Heinrich said...

Ich möchte das homosexuelle Geschlecht mit Ihnen haben mag Heide und Jake im Pferd Film.

Unknown said...
