Hello. I'm a self-centered cock. Perhaps you've seen me. Most likely from behind. For it is from that vantage point that you will notice I choose not to alert you or anyone else of my automobile's movements. Oh sorry, did I cross into your lane? Actually I'm not sorry because I do not give a fuck. Look, I'm kinda busy on my bluetooth fag phone to deal with this right now, okay? Everything about ME is so much more important than you. Why are you chasing me down and giving me the finger? What, because I didn't use my fucking turn signal? Oh stop being such a bitch. Nobody uses turn signals anymore. If it were illegal, that fucking lazy piece of shit cop who just witnessed me make an illegal move as I wove my car through traffic would've stopped me. But guess what, he didn't. Because nobody gives a shit about your old fucking retarded system of informing people where I plan to turn this two-ton hunk of metal. That's so eighties. Ewww. Leave me alone, go away. Look, how about you use your old fuddy-duddy "signaling system" and I'll continue on my merry way, never look back. Or to the side. Did it ever occur to you that my life might be more important than yours? That my mother would be way more devastated if they scraped my mangled body off the highway than your mother would be if they scraped you mangled body off the highway? Hey why are you taking out that axe. Ouch. Stop hacking my limbs off. Uggh, like I have time for this?
Fuck all of you who don't use your turn signals. I can't wait for a truck to ram into you and behead you.
Not too signally.