Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another review of the funniest website of all-time.

Today's topic: How some fairy tales from two thousand years ago can have an impact on some fairy tails today. (Not too witty and beyond your comprehension of all that is witty.)

The following was taken from the homophobic Christian values website, The article is reprinted here verbatim. My comments are in red (obviously)

Cause for Concern (Same-Sex Counseling)

Many who experience homosexual temptations and impulses are responding to the Gospel message that unwanted same-sex attractions can be overcome (Amazing choice of words there. The brilliant Mr. Show once had a skit that featured a gay rehab called 'overcome'. It was funny then and it's funny now. Why wouldn't the focus on the family writer just use another word? Umm, conquered or defeated maybe?) 

by Focus on the Family Issue Analysts (tee-hee ANALysts) 

Bowing (or bending over) to the forces of political correctness, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1998 issued a position statement "rebuking" practices that are broadly referred to as "reparative therapy" for homosexuality. (Yes, that could be their only reason for rebuking those policies. It had to be political correctness and not in any way tied to the notion that it might be a bit inhumane to humiliate and physically force someone to fight  what is in their nature.) In 2000, the APA affirmed this opposition to psychiatric treatment of reparative or conversion therapy. Holding the view that homosexuality is a normal variant of human sexuality, their concern was with groups who were motivated by the view that homosexuality is morally wrong and harmful to society. While the 1998 statement said that there are risks to such therapies, no evidence was offered to support this claim (Umm, maybe they assumed common sense might prevail, you fucking jackasses. Do you honestly need scientific studies to figure this out? You don't require any proof whatsoever of God or Jesus' existence yet this subject must have scientific validation? You don't even believe the overwhelming scientific evidence for the theory of evolution, why would anyone bother trying to convince you of anything with evidence ever again?)

What is evident, however, is that the American Psychiatric Association was simply agreeing with pro-homosexual activists (Of course they agree, the faggots can be very persuasive with their anal/oral torture techniques you know) and with the American Psychological Association, which had passed a similar, but broader, resolution in 1997. Here, the American Psychological Association claimed that treatment for unwanted homosexual behavior is harmful, unethical and unsuccessful. Of note, this resolution also supports the client's right to self-determination and autonomy – calling for psychologists to "respect the rights of others to hold values, attitudes and opinions that differ from their own." Clearly, this would include religious beliefs upholding the biblical view that God's created intent for sexual expression is limited to a monogamous, covenantal marriage relationship between one man and one woman. (Oooh, this is their big "Ah-ha!" moment, but it is meaningless because the APA is not denying this point. Sure you Christian assholes can have your opinion of God's intent for sexual expression- isn't it for a man and woman to shit on each other in the presence of no less than two farm animals?- but you don't have the right to force that belief on anyone else. Why can't you understand that?)

Significantly, both groups ignored the fact that many individuals who experience same-sex attractions are dissatisfied with the situation and seek professional help in aligning their thoughts and behaviors with their convictions and faith. (Yeah, they seek help because they are confused and upset by assholes like you ridiculing, beating and judging them.) In short, many who experience homosexual temptations and impulses are responding to the Gospel message that unwanted same-sex attractions can be overcome (And often with the help of a friendly pastor who quietly rapes them and overcomes all over their faces.). And as they seek pastoral and professional psychological counseling, they find that change and transformation are, indeed, possible. (Glory be to God who apparently hates you for making you the way he did.)

Copyright © 2008 Focus on the Family. 

Not too implying I'm gay at this point. 

PS> ANYONE can make a comment on my blog now. You no longer need to be registered or will endure any of that word verification bullshit. 


Gleemonex said...

My own sister is one of those who thinks you can pray the gay away. She, an unmarried childless person, has also offered me unsolicited marital and childrearing advice, and once accused me of being all loose and immodest for breastfeeding my 3-month-old in my brother's living room. So there you have it.

Spanish Johnny said...


Unknown said...

I was gonna say...I'm beginning to question you, MSG.

Anonymous said...

Or, you can give into your urges, pull over into the nearest rest area and hunker down on the business-end of the nearest dingaling.

Tariq Monthreau said...

Vous avez toujours été mon petit gros héros velu, mais jamais plus ainsi que ce jour beau. Je professe mon admiration quant à votre épique de la défense quant aux surgeons sur le pénis.