Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'll rip out your asshole and fist it right in front of you, dickweed.

If I open a door for you, you'd better fucking thank me you fucking selfish fucking dick or cunt. 

No, I'm not a frequent and respected contributor to the Emily Post Institute.  

1 comment:

Spanish Johnny said...


While I respect your non-thank you rage (I often have a similar reaction to said dickweeds), I regret to inform you that it is much harder to rip out an asshole than you'd imagine. First of all, don't even think about doing it with your bare hands. Impossible. Most assholes are very slippery. You will need some sort of sharp object and thus you won't really be ripping it out, you'll be cutting it out. This brings me to my second point: There will be blood. Lots of it. (This scenario is already more interesting -- and Oscar-worthy -- than the film of the same name). Try to wipe it away and continue on with the task at hand. Under no circumstances are you to taste the anal blood! Thirdly, be sure to leave an ample border around the hole itself, otherwise it might easily tear -- then you will not have an ass "hole," but merely a line of ass tissue. This will not do. Not at all. As Tony Randall once said, "It is impossible to fist something without a hole."