Thursday, April 16, 2009

The most condescending interview of all-time.

The fucking furor over this woman's performance is ridiculous. If she wasn't a hideous troll, Diane Sawyer wouldn't even be interviewing her, Simon Cowell wouldn't be raising his eyebrows at her, and that hot little bitch judge certainly wouldn't be doing that "oh my God!" face. I love how that blond cunt looks at her like "how could this be? How could she be talented in any way? She's ugly!" (see clip below) 

What the fuck is wrong with this world? Why is everyone so amazed that Susan Boyle has a beautiful singing voice? Because she's ugly? It's so fucking demeaning. Of course she can have talent. She's just like anyone else. Just a lot, well, more disturbing to look at. But the masses eat it up. They think they are being nice. It's this false niceness that is totally selfish and only serves to make the person acting "generous" feel better. The fact that a daily news show is even doing a story on this woman is so unbelievably pathetic. Then again so is the fact that I call Good Morning America a "daily news show." But still not as pathetic as the people who think they are being so bighearted by accepting- nay, praising- her. Did you hear that audience cheering like she just queefed out the Star Spangled Banner (what, you wouldn't cheer madly for that?) after she sang one friggin' note? Of course, I'm not naive, I'm pretty sure the producers added in that ridiculously over-enthusiastic cheering sound extra early in her performance. But the shots of the audience still tell a tale. They really pity Susan Boyle but are so afraid of their feelings that they then over-compensate to the point of embarrassment. It's like all these fucking condescending Christians who go to cancer wards in hospitals and talk about the glory of heaven with kids who are staring death in the face. You think your little made up fairy tale about a kingdom in the clouds is gonna cheer those kids up? Fuck you. And to all those people who look at Susan Boyle and say "awww, she's so talented. Isn't that great?" Fuck you too. You are all uglier on the inside than she will ever be on her fat, hideous, God-awful outside. 

Not too goblin-y


Anonymous said...

She's not even that good. She's okay, what's the fuss.

Spanish Johnny said...

Hey. Just wanted to give you a heads up that a Russian man I work with, Dmitri Kolypov, is hiding in your garage right now, finishing his 3rd bottle of Popov, waiting patiently for you and your wife to come home so he can begin wreaking his intricately planned weekend of physical, psychological and psychosexual torture on the two of you, thus forever intertwining his life with yours and creating an unimaginable and unfathomable bond that some might say is akin to Stockholm Syndrome. Not me, however. I think the fact that the three of you will meet for dinner every year on this exact day for the next 15 years is pretty fucked up.

Unknown said...

I love that you can take a seemingly "feel good" moment and still crap all over it. I love you, nobes.