Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eww, it's a monster! Kill it! Kill it!!!

Well, kill the one on the right anyway.

Hooray for China! They chose a cute little girl with a perfect smile to represent their country instead of a crooked-toothed hideous monster. Guess what, little girl, you learned a good lesson today; life sucks. Especially for ugly people. Although in all fairness, the crooked toothed girl isn't ugly at all. She's still cute. But guess what, lesson number two is no matter how good-looking you are, there's always someone better looking. And they're going to beat you every time. Doesn't matter if they can't sing. Or talk. Or even wipe themselves properly. The world is shallow and will appreciate beauty over all else every time, so grow the fuck up and get used to losing, loser. 

The other, more interesting slant on this story is how people, particularly in the U.S., are so up in arms over this offense by China.  Guess what assholes, China has murdered, oppressed and otherwise destroyed the lives of millions of people. But nooooo, let's get all upset because the little girl's feelings were probably hurt because she was deemed too ugly to be on the tellyvision. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Is this really so worthy of public outcry? I can hear some mother in Wisconsin right now whining about how detrimental this experience will be to that little girl. What that mother will neglect to add is "just like when I was a little girl and the kids called me Fatty McFattenfat." Yes, everyone is transferring the hurt feelings they experienced as a kid  into this little girl. But of course she's not even remotely in the same situation they were in as a child. In fact, little miss crocodile-mouth is lucky to be alive. Most little girls are killed in China before they even have the chance to be overlooked for some prettier girl. The infanticide rate for females in China is unbelievably high (I know, I checked one source.). And yet, no one in America says a thing about that. And how about how China treats their  very own Olympic athletes? The government literally plucks these kids from their homes - when they're as young as 3 years-old- and whisks them away to train day-in and day-out for the next 13 years. And life is so fucking bad there that the parents agree to it because it means they'll get treated a little better, maybe get an extra loaf of fucking bread for themselves. America says nothing. So I think everyone needs to relax about the little semi-cute kid being put behind a curtain to hide her jagged fucking freak teeth. She's going to be fine. When she grows up, I'm sure she'll be delighted to clean the asshole of the cuter girl's dog for a living. 

Not too infanticidey. 


Heinrich said...

Überlegenes großgold, sind Sie auf der Außenseite, sowie das Innere

Heinrich said...

Mein Hahn ist nicht seit Ihrem letzten Pfosten, überlegenes großgold hart gewesen. Schreiben Sie bitte etwas, das bald neu ist.