Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dumb dick

Republican Scott Brown, fresh from a stunning Massachusetts Senate victory that shook the power balance on Capitol Hill, declared Wednesday that his election had sent a "very powerful message" that voters are weary of backroom deals and Washington business-as-usual.

Ummm, isn't that the same claim the Dems made when Obama was elected? It's all bullshit. Nothing will change. Scott Brown is a douche. Martha Coakely is a dumb bitch. Washington is full of both types and always will be. Wow, stunning revelation, huh? Well fuck you. You're lucky I'm writing anything on this gay, lame blog. Speaking of gay and lame, how abut the fact that Doug Flutie's band played at the Scott Brown victory party? How fucking low-rent is that? And they played "Sweet Home Alabama?" Doug Flutie's band played Sweet Home Alabama? That sentence shouldn't ever be written unless it's a reference to the sex act of the same name. What, you've never done a "Doug Flutie's Band Plays Sweet Home Alabama"with your best girl? You fucking fag.

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

Doug Flutie? More like, Skin Flutie.