Thursday, September 24, 2009

Stop being a fucking dickbitch.

You know who you are. You're the fucking dumb dick in front of me every time I go through the "Fast Lane" (total misnomer) at the toll booth who slows down to a near stop before going through. Why? Why do you almost stop in the "Fast" Lane? Oh right, it's because you are such a retarded fuck and you don't have your transponder attached to your windshield like you're are supposed to. So instead you have to fish for the fucking thing in your purse or glove box. ("Glove box", incidentally, was Spanish Johnny's sister's nickname in high school.) Now, please tell me why you are so afraid to keep your Fast Lane transponder affixed to your windshield. Is it because you're frightened that someone will steal it and charge tens of dollars as they drive care-free between the two states that accept Fast Lane? Is it because it impairs your vision? Well I'm sure looking into your purse and sorting through all the vaginal yeast creams, used condoms and pictures of naked Chinese dentists in order to locate the transponder while driving doesn't impair your vision at all, huh? Honestly, I hope next time you're pausing at the Fast Lane to fetch your transponder a truck with a payload of medical waste tips over on you, dropping thousands of A.I.D.S., Hep C and Bleeding Asshole Disease (it's a problem in some third world countries) infected hypodermic needles into your open sun-roof. Each little prick of a needle inching you closer to a painful death.


Gleemonex said...

I have been waiting a very long time for a callback to the naked Chinese dentist.

Anonymous said...

love the Dr. Li reference. worst dentist ever.