Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This can't possibly be real, can it?

So very fat and so very stupid.


Gleemonex said...

These are the people we're dealing with. THESE are the ones holding us hostage, killing us slowly with a big fat kneecap on our collective throat. These walking advertisements for abortion. Yes, it's real, my friend. Really real. And there's no way out.

Heinrich said...

Ja ist es wirklich. Amerika ist vom großen McDonald's ÜberformatMac voll, das Amerikaner des fetten Gesichtes isst!

Anonymous said...

fat, drunk and stupid is not way to go through life, son.

Gleemonex said...

Goddammit. You're about to ring in 2010 with a two-and-a-half month old post. WAY TO KEEP IT REAL, MSG, YOU LAZY COCKSMOKER.